Resources designed to work in the poorest classrooms on earth are devastatingly scarce. We work to change this by spreading the best possible resources to educators in the most difficult corners of the world as efficiently as possible.

Open Equal Free has come a long way since our launch in August of 2011. Below you will find some presentations, grant proposals, and other looks into the generation of Open Equal Free.

An Early Idea: Open Educational Resources for the Developing World

This video was made in late 2010 as a pitch for a resource development grant. A lot has changed since the first seeds of the organization were planted, but you can see the passion behind our beginnings here.


The Work that Inspired the Organization

This is a presentation given in Singapore on the work our founding Nerd did the year prior to starting Open Equal Free. It explains why the developing world needs open educational resources so badly, and what our goals are in creating and sharing them.


A Wacky Value Called “Sharing”

This is a little presentation about an early idea of having an “open source logo.” We’re still accepting submissions!

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