Schools Resume Classes in Colon and Capira, Panama

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When schools were re-opened in the districts of Colon and Capira in Panama on Thursday, November 28, the Ministry of Education, MEDUCA, announced that children will resume classes with or without school uniforms. The Ministry acknowledged that several families had lost everything and therefore it could not expect students to observe all school regulations.

However, the MEDUCA announced that areas severely affected by the rain in Colon and Capira will continue to have their schools suspended and regional directorates will monitor the situation before resuming classes. This check on classes bears testimony to Panama’s compulsory education system that includes six years of primary school and three years of middle school. Although schools in rural areas offer basic classes and fewer teachers, MEDUCA pays attention to the students’ requirements and monitors school activities so that everybody in Panama can access education if they want to.

MEDUCA effectively suspended schools out of safety concerns for children because the heavy floods destroyed 800 homes and prompted the evacuation of at least 500 people in Colon and Capira along the Caribbean coast. While some students resume classes and continue their education, other students will hopefully be able to re-join classes as soon as their lives stabilize.

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Written by Mantra Roy
Mantra RoySchools Resume Classes in Colon and Capira, Panama