Below you will find resources that you will help your non-profit (education or otherwise) run more smoothly. Have some more to share? Let us know! – If you haven’t been to idealist yet, go now! The perfect place to post jobs, learn about non-profit work, and get volunteers!

buy xanax - An organization after our own heart. This is an exhaustive collection of resources on management available totally for free. They have stand alone articles, or even whole courses on management available. Definitely worth a look.

Form1023Help - A really great resource for anyone filling out form 1023 (to get tax exempt status in the US).

Filing to Solicit – Most states in the US require you to register before soliciting donations. This site helps you file in multiple states at once!

Law for Change - legal resources for American organizations.

Legal Framework for Earned Income – A report on the legal issues surrounding Non-Profits earning income in the US.

CompassPoint - General support for Non-Profit Leadership

PRISM -  a 25-point checklist designed to focus attention on the five key areas that are characteristic of successful development programs or projects.

Knowhow NonProfit  – General Resource for anyone trying to get started.

Get Inspired! – 10 TED talks for Entrepreneurs.

Grant Search from Bank of America – A useful way to search for funding sources.

Donorwiki - Just what it sounds like, a collaborative online resource of grants and donors.

Open Equal Free endorses resources, not organizations. More Information

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