World Bank Threatens to Take Back Aid from Iraq

'Read Iraq'Iraq, which received millions of dollars in aid to mend their schools, may be in danger of losing that money to other causes. International aid organizations, such as the World Bank, have begun discussing the possibility that since the aid money has not been spent, it might be better off somewhere else.

The World Bank has given $1.3 billion to Iraq since 2004, several millions of which was to be dedicated to education. One third of assistance has yet to be spent, and the decision now remains whether deadlines for spending will be extended or be cut off.

“When we talk with the government, when we talk to the primary stakeholders in the country, we try to explain to them that it is a pity that this money is just sitting where it is and it is not being utilized. It may difficult for us to argue (to keep) it if Africa needs the money, or if there is another food crisis in the world,” said the World Bank’s special representative for Iraq.

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Written by Amanda Bragg